Monthly Archives: February 2022

2021-22 Class Procedures and Consequences

Hi Students and Families,

Today I reminded many students about our class expectations and consequences. The above are screenshots from the Hoover Detention Form; below are our class priorities (rules or expectations) and consequences.


  1. Health and Safety: Masks on in class, hands off classmates (social distance), no eating or drinking in class
  2. Cell Phone Limits: Cell phones in backpacks per Hoover expectations and out only during class breaks or with teacher permission; teacher holds phone for entire class after a verbal reminder to student.
  3. Respectful Behavior: Listen to speakers, take turns talking; kind words and actions. Disrespect or disruption includes: insulting anyone, raised voices, swearing, throwing items of any kind (books, paper, pencils, for example), leaving the class without permission, academic or personal dishonesty, saying “No” to a reasonable teacher request or refusing to attempt class assignments, and persistent off task behavior that disturbs others.


  1. Verbal Reminder
  2. Move Seats (disruption)/Teacher holds phone (cell phone violation)
  3. Call/Email home
  4. Detention (see above)
  5. Office Discipline Referral/ Administrator called

Please note that ignoring class’ priorities is considered disregard of teacher procedures. Refusing to accept a consequence, such as moving to an assigned seat or giving me their phone to hold, is disregard of teacher consequence. Any of the behaviors listed in #3 would be considered defiance or disruption.

If you have received emails from more and/or I have spoken with your child, be aware that they may be assigned detention and/or receive an Office discipline referral.

As always, please contact me with your suggestions or any questions at


Ms. Seyan

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